Friday, June 20, 2014

Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) in Malaysia

Pahang Selangor Water Transfer
Nearby my house there are controversial project Pahang Selangor Raw Water transfer project that just recently been revamp back. I remember is when the project first started, they were lot of Bangladeshi & Indonesian  worker  around my house. Everyday I can hear bombing activities at the site. I guess it is for the tunnelling project.  The project is actually almost complete, but due to political issues, the project have been put to stop for while.
Pahang Selangor Raw Water transfer used three TBMs for this project that the project break into 3 sections excavating below Titiwangsa mountain.
SMART Tunnels

The dual function tunnel Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) have experience using TBMs to excavate limestone in Klang Valley area. The project experience lot of problem facing quite a challenge especially for karst formation that is half of the tunnel.

MRT Project
In 2011 Prime Minister Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak launched country biggest public transportation project named MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) managed by MRT Corp. This project will link construction of a rail-based public transport network to be together integrated with the existing light rail transit (LRT), monorail, KTM Komuter, KLIA Ekspres and KLIA Transit systems, form the backbone of the Greater Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley region. Project delivery have been commission to MMC Gamuda. The proposed line was from Sungai Buloh till Kajang at length of 51km. Out of this 9.5km will be underground tunnel.

To excavate tunnel for 9.5km length with a difference density,it is actually quite a challenge. Thus a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is needed for this project.  This project actually acquired to have 2 types of TBM which is Earth Pressure Balance TBM and Variable Density TBM. Both cater different functions of needs.  Actually Malaysia is the first in the world using Variable Density TBM made specifically to works with our soil condition. Currently the tunnelling work is been commission to MMC Gamuda together with MRT Corp. There will be 10 TBMs will be fully operated to deliver this project.

Experience with past SMART tunnel projects, Pahang Selangor Raw Water tunnel contractors now are more experience with soil condition in Klang Valley. Its crucial to have specialize TBMs like this as it drives the works to be faster and contractors able to meet deadlines allocated.

We cant deny that TBMs have plays important role in tunnelling project in Malaysia.

Ducati Monster

In world of advertising, marketers  always will try to find a good channel to market a their products. One of the way is through a movie. I once watched TRON legacy movies and got stuck to one thing. The old legacy bike of Ducati ride by Garret Hedlund as Sam Flynn. It was successor movies based from old famous  science fiction movies back in 1982 TRON. Jeff Bridges plays both actor in this movies and  act as Kevin Flynn (Father of Sam Flynn). He actually act is two different era, once when he was young and now at his prime time.

One of the things that been highlight most of the time is the Ducati Sports Classic 1000. Some says that the appearance of the bike have related to the company marketing campaign for their new bike Ducati Monster (In 2010)

The irony about this Ducati SportsClassic and new Ducati is  that it seems like an incarnation of this model. The Ducati Monster 795-Darmah. Get the same feeling isn't it? With gold and black colour but more muscular than before.  This is my dream bike.
Desmodue Engine
Ducati have been famously known for its good engine sound. Its a legend. Its air cooled Dual Twin engine that produce 87horsepower produce enough tork for bikers to handle the bikes especially when in tight corners

APTC Clutch
The bikes clutch is 21plates oil clutch bath comes with 11 friction and 10 steel creates weight reduction compared to the dry system. This produces a smooth engine and less maintenance needed.

Ducati Monster used a lightweight crank case that this model is improvement model from previous engine model.  It more compact that earlier model.
 Hmm quite a bike...probably one day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Buoyancy Control Device (BCD)

A few years back, I have been introduced by my eldest brother to a new hobby that till now become my favourite hobby for all time which Scuba Diving. I must admit at first Its quite scared to try-out this hobby. Firstly, I'm not quite a swimmer and second you expect me to jump myself in the ocean that is deep , dark and dangerous which is crazy to try out. Just imagine  to dive in open water ocean and go as deep as 18 metres (The deepest I have been dive is 23 metres). So many unwanted thing crossing my mind. But I have been through all that horror and now I feel very confident to jump in the water even without the gear :)

My first scuba license I earned it at B&J Dive centre at Tioman along with my dive buddies which now become all time diver. For the past years we have been diving at locals dive sites of Malaysia Islands such as Pulau Tioman , Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Sipadan, Pulau Mabul & many more. This experience have thought me to care about the marine life and how important we preserve it.  The ocean is beautiful and to experience this wonder is beyond words.

In scuba diving, divers learn about scuba diving gears which is important for divers to learn to use it correctly and able to maintain it as unwanted incidence is the last thing we want to have especially when in the water. So its important that we know how to handle our dive gears and know how its function.  Basic dive gears such as Mask, Snorkels, BCD, Regulators, Air Tank, Fins, Wet Suit, Dive Computer are a few things that diver need to have when diving. One of the dive gears that I plan to buy is Buoyancy Control Device (BCD)

Buoyancy Compensate Device (BCD)
Generally, there is 2 types of BCD that been used famously for leisure diving (Not for Technical Diving). A Jacket BCD or a Backplate/Wing BCD. It came with different shape, size and brands. Some BCDs offers specialities such as lightweight (for frequent air travellers), functions, accessories and many more. Depend on the diver needs. Actually a BCD can be customize with different set of brands as long as the end is function as safe BCD. It also need be care and maintain.

Wing BCD/Backplate BCD
Jacket Type BCD (Looks like a Jacket)

Both of this BCD offer a difference feeling of handling when diver went diving. Most of beginners will experience to use Jacket type BCD rather than Wing BCD.

Wing Type/Backplate BCD:

Diver with centre of buoyancy to the back will rotate forwards

Diver with weight and centre of buoyancy aligned for level trim: The static moments of buoyancy and weight keep the diver horizontal, and fin thrust can be aligned with direction of motion for best efficiency

Jacket Type BCD:

Diver with low centre of buoyancy may rotate further, but not very strongly

Diver trimmed with weight far towards the feet: The static moments of buoyancy and weight cause the feet to rotate downwards, and the thrust from finning is then also directed downwards

Off all this, the  reason for me to choose Backplate BCD is because of it offer more flexibility in the water.  Diver can get more movement especially when they bring underwater camera when diving. Also back plate BCD come with a adjustable harness can be adjust with your body size compared to Jacket style BCD that have size in S, M, L and XL. Backplate BCD also looks cooler than jacket type BCD (Looks like technical diver)

Due to all this reason I will go for Backplate BCD for my first BCD.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Proton's Electric Car : An Industrial Gimmicks?

A few days back, It was a coincidence that I have read an article wrote by local newspaper reporter with an interesting catching line- 'Proton's Electric car, will it become reality?'.  In the article, the writer questions whether that Proton really serious on its intention to produce electric car as the progress to make the car to be production car seems far from reality. It's too slow. Since it appearance in 2010, nothing much have been done by the company.   

I got reason to be excited about this as I have play a small roles indirectly in this project . As a sub vendor and our job is to construct one small of parts of the project:- To construct the Electric Charging Station body enclosure. I still remember the company required a few prototype for it and we did construct one of the prototype. We been informed that all the prototypes will be deploy at Putrajaya various selected location and will be tested by government officials together with the electrics vehicles. They called the program the 'Fleet Test Program'. To heard any news in regards to this project just pump me up!

(Left: Enclosure that I used to construct before then be deploy selected location. The electric charging machine have been been bought in Singapore by the client)

Environmental Issues
As parts of global environmental issues, automotive industries all around the world have been pressured by various parties group to reduce carbon usage (fuel) forcing them to produce efficient car for this purpose or better a car that  not produce carbon emission at all. By all means a car that fully powered by clean electrical engine. As parts of social responsibility and awareness  towards this on-going issues, Proton have came up with their own version of electric car to be inline with this global noble effort.

In year 2011, the national car manufacturer Proton has announce its first debut of prototype electric car called Proton Exora REEV (Range Extender Electric Vehicles) and Saga EV. The prototype car based on Proton Exora & Saga models have been developed  by Frazer-Nash Research Limited (Frazer-Nash) United Kingdom with collaboration team of Malaysian engineers. Earlier in year 2010 the car have been put into a challenge and  have won two awards that one of it was  RAC Brighton To London Future Car Challenge (Exora Won Best E REV). It was a high time and everybody was positive feeling that this car that will embark the new way producing environmentally friendly car. Everybody feet not touching the ground.They plan to roll out the car for production in year 2013.  But till now with the slow progress up to date, the plan is questionable.

(Current Proton' electric car charging station. Seems unutilized)
Will Electric Car Will Be A Reality?
I once watched a documentary movies in HBO tells story about what happened to a fully powered electrics car (Non-fuel gas car) in United States and why the production of the car have been discontinue. The title of the movie is 'Who Killed The Electric Car'. It was a good movies and it based on real story what had happened to Electric Car in the US. The car was produced by General Motors and been named GM EV1 which previously been called 'Impact'. The movies tells audience how the workable powered electric car that is proven efficient and environmentally friendly have been called back by GM  just to be disposed. The rollback moves have been beleaguered consumer mind as it makes no sense why GM call the back the car. It is more unacceptable as GM also have invested $1billion dollar for the program.

In the movie, the investigator try to find out which party that actually don't want this car to be discontinue. Is it consumer? Is it the industry? or is it the government? As far as they interviewed the owner, they all like the car. Its efficient and save money a lot (The driver of the car claims)

General Motors claimed that the car is too expensive to be produce due to its expensive battery pack. For the reason, they have end the program. I suggest reader to see this movie as its quite interesting as the movie trigger your curiosity.

One of the theory that been ruled out is that world's automotive industry is largely depends on the other entity to survive and so does the other industry that associated with it. Even US government have been suspected have joint effort to make this car to be unsuccessful project . They are interdependent to survive as in this business there is big bucks of money flows in.

The automotive industry is the pulse of oil and gas industry. Electrical vehicles will been seen as a threat as it acceptance means some industry will need to close down their business. Politicians  & government officials (the government) have either direct or indirect influence from these industries. Interested parties earned mutual benefits with this kind of collaboration.  In US it no surprise and politican been lobbied by the industry and O&G industry is one of it.  Policies can be change and rules can be influence. It's business politics.

My View
In my point of view, what will happened to GM EV1 is what will happened Proton REEV & Saga EV. The Fleet Test Program is just to provides evidence that the company do take care of the environment and do take initiatives to make it happen. It shows people that the company do did something for the environment and the company is also environmental concerned. Bare in mind, if industry do implementing this, they actually led us to closing down our most profitable industries which is O&G Industries and this is one of the biggest source of income of the country. So I fully understand the motives behind it. The motives is not necessary bad either. (We need money for country to for operation & development).If I'm the government, I will do exactly the same.  The game is how do we project ourselves as good entity in front of nation. Or in other word in front of these sensitive group (The existence of these groups is not bad either. It works as check and balance so that government will not goes crazy with influx money neglecting the environmental issues)

(Question: Do nations worldwide want to kills their most profitable industries that is major source of income for them? There are industrial chain business involve and there are thousand of job dependent on the industry)

So I predict the closest electric car that we going have in the future is the hybrid models that still use fuel to run. But I think it is still a good progress :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Generation Gap: My experience with Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS)

I have been living in Taman Pinggiran Delima Hulu Langat for quite number of years now and this year will be my 5th years reside here .Insyallah by next year I'm anticipating that my family will move on to our first bought house at Branang Semenyih, Selangor and yes you are is quite far from KL. But what else generation Y like us can do. Housing price in Klang Valley tremendously ridiculous nowadays. The only affordable property for me is in outskirt KL :)

The community here at Taman Pinggiran Delima is quite friendly and I Iove it a lot. Most of the residence here are Malays and I can say the housing area here mostly occupied by pensioners where their age is around 50 years plus. I bet they bought this houses at their early age and by looking at their close relationship I can say that they take actually take care of each other a lot and do practices good neighbourhood.
Night Watch
One of the community volunteered  activities here is 'Night Watch' whereby all residence of the selected block need to have representative (usually male) . Previous robbery cases have put the neighbourhood in high alert. So they formed SRS (Skim Rondaan Sukarela). One of the person in charge for scheduling the duty rooster name Pak Wan. A very friendly person and  a respected senior here. Our time for the patrolling activities normally been schedule once a month and every night there will be a leader been selected to lead the team.

1.Text Messages-SMS
One of the problem that I have recognize with the Night Watch is that Pak Wan have been responsible for arranging our neighbourhood night patrolling duty rooster for several years and the ways he reminding to serve our night duty is by SMS. He been doing this for every night without pay! I truly respect his dedication as I think this kind of contribution required time & money. But normally Pak Wan alert us at last minute time so normally there will be people who will be unable commit. Those who unable to attend will asked Pak Wan to schedule them to other nights. Sometimes it creates dissatisfaction among members as not all members will turn out that night as planned. But I sense that this system can improve.

2. Update Community Activities
Other things that I recognize is that they way that they update each other with activities like memos, walimatulurus, engagement activities, kenduri doa selamat and others is by sending cards to the neighbourhood. They like give the card personally to the neighbours but sometimes they not at home so they have to come several time to the target houses just to make ensure that the owner received the invitation card by hands. I also feels that this can be improve.

Solutions for Problem
I have tried to come up with a proposal to the seniors to the community about developing a system so that they don't have to use the conventional ways how to do these activities and can save time, money and effort. I have suggested them use blogspot and its free and can be systematic approach if they willing to learn use it. Everyone can be selected to become editor and they can post their activities in the blog. They can planned their activities well in this blog and can become a online community centre to manage information. At first they quite excited and I have volunteered myself to setup the blog:

At first I have to synchronized with Pak Wan of the night schedule, planning, and what widget need to be use as this blog planned to be useful as possible.

Present the blog
Once I have upload the blog, I have present this to them. They seems excited I have tried to teach them how to upload it. Then that's it. I sense a problem...

The elders here though some of them have their smartphone  they don't have internet access or either have data plan. So to get them to get online, they have to  get to the Cyber CafĂ© of mamak restaurant that have WiFi connectivity but its not very practical.

Though I have gave them training, I need to understand these olders folks find it hard to understand and I can understand this very well. They are used with conventional system and if we change is that mean that they have to learn this new technology to use it. And for elder generation learning this is like a big challenge to them.

Most of them still looks busy even though that they are pensioner. Some driving taxi, some do contracts works and some do small business in this community. Its hard to get their time to learn and it even harder to expect them to commit. It nobody fault either.

Though that I know that by learning and using blogspot can help to improve the communication, I think is widely depends on the acceptance and acceptance sometimes required effort, time and willingness for it to be embrace to make it useful. But for certain condition I think it is better we keep it at it is. Most important the spirit of the neighbourhood is there.